Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7⃣ more reading reconnecting and saints the sports kind

I must ask myself-having grown up in a Christian home, but feeling extremely lost spiritually for most of my adult life, why do the most successful find this success only after having reconnected with spiritually? It truly reaffirms my beliefs. I don't question my core beliefs, I have only questioned the execution of those beliefs in my actions and those of others, rightfully or erroneously. I have only recently come to the conclusion that spirituality is completely personal. Yeah, really that was a big breakthrough for me. Stop criticizing everything that I perceived was the reason why I was seeking spirituality rather than just finding MY reason to seek spirituality. Yes, I believe that as parents, as spouses, we have a great accountability to providing and sharing spirituality with each other, but what I learned was how could I share something as precious and personal as spirituality if I had yet to have the "seas part" or the "floodgates of heaven" reign over me. That honestly has been my biggest downfall I always pictured and believed it as a joint effort as a "family thing" because that was what I taught all my childhood and don't get me wrong, it is. But it must be a deeply personal, deeply integrated to our core beliefs for it to be shared. All I can compare it to is like the speech the stewardess on a plane gives precariously between the aisles of a moving plane at decent..."parents, adults put on your oxygen mask before you attempt to assist your child, or minors around you. So I am putting on oxygen mask. Thank you to the provider of the heavens and the earth and the air I breathe.

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