Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3⃣ #FinishYear and Tuesday Task

Well I have been really amused by Jon Acuff lately and have read or listened to QUITTER at least 3 times now and I truly encourage you to do the same- at least once. Not only if you are trying to find your "dream job", but also if you just want to make head o r tails if you still fit in at your paycheck providing establishment. Great read. I am thoroughly impressed by simple people that make so much sense. I have been surrounded by the very studied for most of my adult life, but the biggest lessons I have learned, have been of the simple and very practical. Interesting enough with such unstudied and unrehearsed view points, from hearts deeper and faiths stronger than any 8 years of study. My current role models: Zig Ziglar, Dave Ramsey and Jon Acuff. I have worked for doctors in many fields of medicine and have learned much, I have been given great opportunities to work for and learn from ... Wow I think I just had an epiphany as I am writing this. I always use to describe one such "studied" employer as the "one who was the toughest, but taught me the most". I think at this very moment I realize that actually the learning from was not from whom but from WITHIN- she pushed me to reach deep inside and pull that strength, stop crying and "handle it". (She made me cry many of times, many). She made be accurate and precise. She made me develop excellent customer service techniques. She accepted NOTHING less, she made me excel. Do those hard experiences in life hinder or make you excel? Someone in a higher position recently wrote me an email and it read "in life we give others opportunities and some take it and fly with it, you took it..." I have been given many great opportunities in life. It is my responsibility to learn and develop character from within and "fly with it". What opportunities have you been given and did you fly with it?


  1. The Medical field does that to you..makes you cry yourself into the best YOU! I gained SO much from all the pain of working in the medical field for 7 years. The challenge was well worth it! I regret leaving! Your post are inspiration and I know that I will one day find my dream job..in or outside the home! Love your post! Thank you for sharing!! :D

  2. Thanks Connie! So very true, the medical field will definitely do that!!!!
